Sunday 11 November 2007


right i was tagged by sharon ages ago to tell 7 random facts about myself. i have no idea about tagging others so shall just do the 7 facts

1. 7 is my favourite number, i think because i was born in the 7th month.

2. I hate the noise of the breaks of a train and sit with my fingers in my ears at train stations.

3. we celebrate thanksgiving in our house. we will make good americans!

4. my parents were told they were verynot going to have children without treatment and had me after my mother turned to God and prayed. when I was born the docs said my mum's tubes etc were so badly damaged they didnt know how i had survived.

5. I love R2 D2 and yoda from star wars. the first christmas present my oh ever got me was a beeping talking cudly r2. he also made me an amazing 3d r2 cake.

6. I collect hello kitty anything and my parents for me a 3ft high one from hong kong for my wedding. dressed as a bride.

7. I once cheated in a test in the first year of high school (I was very goody goody) afterwards i told the teacher (who loved me) and she said oh dont be silly its fine!

that was fun.